In case you haven't found the right image in our image gallery and you have been combing through your image files for hours, looking for the perfect one for your new feature wall? Put an end to the frustration.
We have compiled a list of image stock agencies that provide millions of images, photos and illustrations in high-resolution. The so-called royalty free images are usually available for little money.
Check them out below:
- dreamstime
- getty images
- shutterstock
- gigapixel
- photosearch
- corbisimages
- iStock
- bigstock
- scopio
Free image libraries:
Free images of art from Museums Collections:
Historic Images of Sydney:
Another website with lists of Muesums and Art Galleries that offer high-res images for the public is OpenCulture
Aerial photos ondemand in high-res: Nearmap
Images from Space and NASA missions: NASA
Before you buy an image from these websites:
The images available on these websites are also shown with their size in 'pixels' ('px'). Always buy the largest available file as higher resolution images result in better print quality of your wallpaper. If your wall is 3500 mm wide and 2700 mm high, the minimum files size if you want to get it printed as a wallpaper mural must be higher than 3500px x 2700px. In other words px >= mm, the pixel size of the image has to be larger than the width and height of the wall in mm.
This advice is not valid if you choose a vector file or a pattern.