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How it Works

1.) Upload your own image or choose one from our image gallery

Upload your JPG image or choose one of 90 million from our image gallery, powered by 123RF.com

2.) Crop the image to the right size

Type in the print size (wall width + 10 cm x wall height + 10 cm) and create the final layout of your wallpaper.

3.) Choose your preferred wallpaper

We offer a variety of wallpaper materials: our standard PRO wallpaper (pre-pasted), the DIY wallpaper (paste the wall), the self-adhesive PhotoTex (Peel & Stick), the FabWall (stretched fabric in aluminium frame) and the fabWall Acoustic (with noise absorbing padding).

4.) Confirm order and pay

Turnaround time is usually 5 business days for the PRO wallpaper and the self-adhesive PhotoTex. The DIY wallpaper takes about 10 business days as we get it for your printed in Germany and send it directly to your address.


The Fabwalls, standard and acoustice take also about 10 business days until ready to ship.

Guarantee: We will manually check every file you upload to see if the resolution is good enough for the chosen print size. We will contact you if we are in doubt. Promised.


Click here to see order video.